Purpose of this Website

I have created this website for several reasons. The primary reason is to write about things that I find extremely fascinating, liberating, and have been very beneficial in my life. Second is to pass along whatever knowledge and wisdom I have gained over all these years to anyone who is interested. Third is to have some fun. Perhaps I can shed some light on important questions you may have, and provoke you to ask deeper ones.

What I intend to do with this website is to explore the common patterns and processes at work in discovering and achieving natural health care, freedom/liberty/personal sovereignty, and spiritual awakening into Enlightenment. If you are someone strongly interested in Truth, I want to show you that there is a very similar underlying process at work in all three of these areas, and once you see it, a lot of your questions are instantly answered. Doubts fall away. Hesitancy disappears. The Way Forward becomes much clearer. Your ability to get maximum benefit from your pursuit of these most important human endeavors is dramatically increased.

It’s an amazing and thrilling journey to arrive at a deeper transcendent understanding of the important things in life. It can be a very rough climb at times, but the views along the way are spectacular. Once you reach the summit, it all clicks into place. Answers become unnecessary and irrelevant because your questions have disappeared. Looking out from the summit you breathe it all in. Profound peace, clarity and understanding prevail… feelings and knowledge that you previously could not have imagined.

Yet here you remain in mind, body and spirit. You make your way back down the mountain, into the world again.

So yes… have a look around the website and see what catches your interest.
Thanks for stopping by.


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