Freedom, Liberty, Personal Sovereignty

To be free is to know you have, and exercise, the power of self-determination:
Free Will.
There is an absence of coercion or constraint.
Freedom is a condition that exists within your mind, for you.
Within my mind, for me… an inner feeling-sense of Integrity.
It is living without internal conflict or contradiction.
Freedom is an internal philosophical and psychological condition.

To have liberty is to have the social ability
to choose, to act, to do as one desires.
There exists an absence of restraint or a need for permission.
You are self-governed by your personal Moral Foundation,
which works within the Ethical Framework of your social community.
The Golden Rule – harm no one else by your actions – is Paramount.
Liberty is a condition that arises from free people,
living together ethically in society.
Liberty is an external social condition.

To be sovereign is to own, control and govern yourself.
To be autonomous, independent, able to choose.
As a sovereign, you exercise supreme authority within your personal sphere.

Freedom from constraint.
Nothing, within or without, limits me from doing what I want to do.

Liberty to act.
I ethically and morally do whatever I want to do within society.

Sovereign to choose.
I exercise my power, or not, as I wish.

Important words describing very important ideas.
Why are they important?

Let’s jump right to the bottom line:
Why are you & I here… on Earth… in a human body?

You are here to Experience. To Learn. To Grow.
Physically, mentally, emotionally, and especially spiritually.
All varieties of growth are ultimately spiritual growth.
Ideally, you want to learn your life lessons as intensely,
quickly and thoroughly as possible.
To grow through experience, and gain wisdom, as fast as possible.
To fully mature as human beings, timely and properly.
To evolve your soul to its maximum extent in this lifetime.

Now put it all together:
To grow as fast as possible requires having
the greatest possible variety of challenging experiences
available to you,
at all times.

To have the greatest possible variety of challenging experiences available to you at all times,
requires having the maximum degree
of Freedom, Liberty and Personal Sovereignty in your life.

And the same in everyone else’s life. 

When you understand, own and live within the awareness of
maximum freedom, liberty and sovereignty, then
nothing and no one in life hinders your most rapid spiritual growth.

You are as free as possible to live your life… to express every aspect of yourself, and to join and express with others… in every imaginable way… provided that you fully uphold, support, and keep sacred
the same freedom, liberty and sovereignty
for everyone and everything else on Earth.

In one statement:
The maximum potential for spiritual growth
for every man and woman,
exists within an environment
of maximum freedom, liberty and personal sovereignty.

The natural social state of spiritual human beings,
is Voluntaryism/Anarchy.
This means:
No King – No Subjects.
No Government – No Citizens.
No Masters – No Slaves.

If someone can impose restrictions on your life,
without your consent,
that would make you
their slave.
Partial slavery, or comfortable slavery, is still Slavery.

If there are no masters to impose restrictions, and no slaves who believe they are compelled to obey, then freedom exists. The absence of slavery is freedom. The absence of masters/rulers is Voluntaryism/Anarchy.

Anarchy means No Rulers;
No special and favored Ruling Class above you.
However, there are Rules:
The proper Ethical Framework,
and culturally expected Individual Moral Behavior,
that is clearly ordained by Natural Law.

Voluntaryism is the realization that ALL social interaction
between people should be voluntary and,
by necessity, free of external coercion.
All social intercourse is based solely on mutual consent.

Equal Rights for All,
which comes bound with
Equal Accountability & Equal Responsibility,
of each and every Individual.

No special rights or powers,
for any Individual or Privileged Class.
Any individual, or class, that claims to have
special powers or rights over others,
and who claim the right to rule,
is immediately, inherently and always
immoral and illegitimate…
and must be eliminated,
if Freedom & Liberty are to prevail.

Human potential is unbounded.
You and I each must decide how we want to live.
You and I each are our own final authority in all matters.

To manifest these Natural Law principles into our human world,
we choose to join together and declare our goal:
We are creating a truly free, ethical world,
where everyone acts within moral principles,
that are based in eternal Natural Law.
The result will be human progress that we can scarcely imagine.

To achieve that Goal,
Careful observation of history,
deep contemplation about the Nature,  Desires and Destiny
of Humankind,
and creative use of the magic of
establishing proper incentives,
will get the work done.
Focus and Persistence is required;
Accountability and Responsibility is high.

The Rewards are Infinite.


Yes, lessons can still be learned, and spiritual growth can still be achieved, whilst under the suffocating influence of repressive external conditions, and the suffocating influence of internal, self-imposed and self-enforced limiting beliefs.
But… why suffocate?
Are you a slave to your beliefs?

Ask yourself:
How many suffocating, self-imposed limitations am I living under,
right now?
How are my limiting beliefs also limiting the lives of others?
Do I have the right to limit the freedom of others?

As long as you continue to believe that a few special people must have rights and powers that you do not have (so-called government authority), then your beliefs are creating slavery for all of us.
Stop it.
Wake up.
Look again, closely, at what is happening in our world.
Look past your programmed belief filters.
Then look again with Clear Vision.
And see what is actually happening.

Once you begin to see clearly, a new reality begins
to come into focus.
With your first glimpse of that new reality,
a Path appears… and beckons.

Each of us begins this awesome journey
as soon as we are ready to begin.
The moment you choose to begin, you have begun.

Your first task
is to closely examine,
and reject,
your false beliefs that hold you back.

Work your Path, and Work it Hard.

Having taken back your Power and Rights,
you innerstand that your next step
is to join with Others of Like Mind,
to create a human reality on Earth,
that offers the maximum possibility, potential, and opportunity
for ALL of humanity to manifest
its Spiritual Destiny



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